Hi again Everyone,
School is off and running! Our main emphasis as an administrative team over this past few weeks has been to connect to students, set reasonable expectations for a safe and orderly environment and keep kids and learning first.
I thought I'd share some successes from MHS here online for everyone to see from my recent board report. So much goes on during a school year and it can be difficult to keep up! Teachers were a great help preparing this report. The report also includes some upcoming events at the end. It has been great to visit with many of you at ballgames and in person. I'm the first to admit name recognition is not a great strength of mine, but I rarely forget a face. Thank you all for being so welcoming and it has been great serving this community these past few weeks. (report follows)
Monthly Highlights:
The high school has begun enhancing their ISS – In School suspension time by causing students to reflect upon and change their behavior. ISS is now commonly referred to by the name B.I.P. – Behavior Intervention Program which reflects this new emphasis. Mr. Henry is leading this effort.
Dr. Robinson and Mr. Anderson have been actively seeking ways to improve the climate and atmosphere in the cafeteria. During the 2009-10 school year, approximately 70% of all fights at school occurred in the cafeteria.
There are now three lunch periods to reduce the number of students in the cafeteria.
Teachers now spend one lunch period per week eating with students in the cafeteria to improve the cafeteria climate and to build closer connections to students.
The cafeteria will be improved by the addition of a small stage and sound equipment for events and before and during school music. Mr. Cortez and student council will coordinate performance times and Mr. Don Fuemmeler's Industrial Maintenance class is working to build the stage and the art department will be providing paint enhancements.
Local youth leaders met with Dr. Robinson and Mr. Anderson on September 1 and again on September 15 to discuss ways to volunteer at school, support Future Christian Athletes, communicate their events and provide positive support and encouragement for MHS students. Leaders were invited to lunch periods and before school for breakfast with students. Administrators also discussed how to best support the “See you at the Pole” event on September 22 at 8 am.
Department chairpersons are leading development of continuous improvement cycles (P.D.S.A. - Plan Do Study Act) to address achievement in their respective areas. First drafts were reviewed with
Mrs. Haag and Dr. Robinson on 9/10/10 and final drafts should be completed within the next two weeks.
Seminar classes met with principals 8/31 to 9/3 to discuss dress code and other policies related to behavior. Students were also given the opportunity to ask clarifying questions and provide feedback.
College Fair: Ms. Holly Johanson and Ms. Belinda Frosch have worked prepared a college and career fair for Mexico Juniors and Seniors as well as surrounding area schools on September 17. Students will spend time visiting with college recruiters and career representatives.
A Literacy class was added to the school schedule to address in-coming freshmen having difficulty with reading. This class is being taught by Mr. Clow. Current enrollment is 10 and was based on middle school data.
An Advanced Placement American History was added to the course schedule and will be taught by Mr. Clark Winslow. Students are being prepared to take the AP test at the end of the course and could be eligible for college credit based on their score. Current enrollment is 19 students.
College Prep 101 classes (2) are attending a Cardinal Career Day in St. Louis on September 29 to explore careers in sports management and sports marketing. St. Louis area colleges will also host a college fair during the event. The students will also attend a baseball game the same day at noon. Mr. Clow, Mr. Neely and Mr. Haag will be preparing logistics and supervising the event.
Hart Career Center and MHS are working to develop closer working relationships and collaboration between the two buildings.
676 MHS students are enrolled in 1 hour classes at Hart Career Center.
90 MHS students are enrolled in 3 hour block classes at Hart Career Center. (approximately 10% increase)
178 MHS students are being served in MHS Seminar Classes by Hart Career Center teachers
Home management students taught by Ms. Bridget Bingham are working to plant flowers at the cafeteria entrances.
The MHS Science Department reported enrollment has doubled in Chemistry and AP Chemistry versus last school year. Additionally, the department is using Vernier technology to digitally collect lab data accurately and reliably. Finally, Phil Long – science teacher, attended a week-long Advanced placement Chemistry class to enhance this course offering at MHS.
A Welcome Back Assembly was held for students on the first day of school for the high school on August 25. The assembly was used to communicate school spirit and expectations, build Student leadership with Student Council and present other clubs/groups and activities.
Dual Credit Public Speaking – Ms. Given reported this class is off to a great start. There are 36 juniors and seniors enrolled in this honors class.
The Fall play, "The Further Adventures of Nick Tickle, Fairy Tale Detective" was cast after two nights of auditions. Three guest adjudicators were part of auditions; Michael Bentele, an Performing Arts major from Missouri Valley who currently works for Columbia College and a former Mexico graduate, Andrea Morrow- a communications specialist at the capital in Jefferson City and Mel Hamm – has a strong background in stage management and is currently teaching at MMS. Al. adjudicators impressed with the talent and hard work of our students during auditions. The fall play opens Friday, November 19 and runs through Sunday, November 21.
The MHS Speech & Debate team will compete at their first tournament of the season on October 15 and 16 in Sedalia. We have a larger group this year than previous years and look forward to great successes.
Sara Given has been asked to present a workshop at the Speech & Theater Association of Missouri Conference next week, September 23-25. Her workshop is titled "I'm a Fish Out of Water" and is geared toward assisting teachers who are certified in other teaching areas, but coaching, directing and teaching Speech & Theater programs. More information on her conference workshop will be available at her blog http://mhscommunicationcentral.blogspot.com
Vo-Ag and Vocational Agriculture teacher Stephanie Gutshall reported the following:
Area 4 Sports Day Champions 8/5
64 students attended the Mexico August FFA Meeting/Back to School BBQ 8/31
52 students attended Bradford Farm Field Day in Columbia, MO where they learned about various aspects on agriculture
9/14 Mexico FFA Chapter hosted the National FFA President, Levy Randolph for an afternoon. He spoke to 3 classes and got to know the students.
9/13 Mexico FFA Officer Team place 3rd at the Area 4 Rituals Contest and 20 students attended the Area 4 Leadership Conference.
Athletic Highlights
9/4 Boys Cross country - 2nd place at the Mexico Invitational
9/4 Girls Cross country 2nd place at the Mexico Invitational
9/13 Girls Golf - 1st place at the Tri-Meet (Harrisburg-Crocker-Mexico)
9/10 Boys football team won against Winfield in an abbreviated first home game 55 to 0
9/14 Boys Cross country - 3rd place at Quincy Notre Dame
Upcoming Events:
9/29 Cardinal Career Day in St. Louis, Mo - Busch Stadium
9/30 Open House and Parent-Teacher conferences
10/1 Homecoming Parade at 3:00
Football Homecoming vs. St. Charles, 7:00
Homecoming Dance will follow the football game at 9:30 pm to 11:30 pm
Fantastic site, very interesting content, bookmarked ! Can we talk through the mail in this weekend?
Prasen Dutta
E- Acteva.com@gmail.com