Hi again everyone,
It's hard to believe the school year is about half over. Our various departments have been engaged in a number of activities to serve our students. This blog is one piece of our effort to improve and maintain communication. Hopefully you find the entries give you useful knowledge about what is happening at our high school. Please tell your friends and acquaintances to join the blog followers!
We've been using online surveying as well this school year, and I appreciate the 125 responses we had to the survey which was sent via email. We have made some adjustments based on the responses from parents and in a future blog, I'll try and share those with you.
Students of the Month: DECEMBER
Regan Mudd and Alex Mosley
From Bridget Bingham – Special Education teacher:
My Home Management Students are preparing for a special Valentine's Lunch for themselves and 2 family members. They will be preparing breakfast items and each student will be assigned a job to perform at the 'restaurant.' For example: door greeter, waitress, silverware wrapper. We are currently working on making the menus.
From Mrs. Linda Rice – FCCLA Sponsor and FACS teacher:
The newly formed MHS Family Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Chapter has nearly doubled membership in the past month to 19 students. Mrs. Rice is taking a group of FCCLA members to Region IV STAR Events competition at Mark Twain High School on January 28. Mrs. Rice will serve as a judge while students will serve as assistants/volunteers as needed. Mrs. Rice is currently developing the MHS FACS program to comply with all DESE standards.
From MHS Administration Team:
Academic Booster Club:
Several youth pastors and parents have been meeting regularly since the beginning of the school year
to form an academic booster club. They asked for feedback from teachers so they can focus their work and enhance our work at MHS. An online survey was created for teachers to take anonymously and the results will focus the work of the club. A breakfast for the A.B.C. was cancelled this week due to snow, but will be rescheduled for next week.
Behavior Intervention Program (BIP) (formerly known as “In-school suspension”):
Mr. Henry received an A+ grant for a character education and life skills curriculum. It is being used as a supplement to students’ regular class curriculums. Students complete any and all work from their normal classes then they are given assignments from this curriculum so they reflect and consider changing their behavior so they can remain in the regular classroom. Mr. Henry will be monitoring the implementation of this curriculum along with building administrators.
Co-teaching Grant Writing:
Holly Johanson, Deb Haag, Kris Turlington and core area teachers met to write a grant on January 13, 2011 to support co-teaching in the classroom. If approved, the grant could provide additional resources and support funding to teachers adopting and implementing the co-teaching model.
Dr. Robinson, Mr. Buffington, Mr. Brailler, Mr. Gooch, Mr. Ridgway and the class of 1986:
Work for the sports complex live telecasts of the basketball games is continuing. MHS will host district play February 21 and the first test of live broadcasting may come prior to district play.
The Building Leadership Team (BLT) :
The BLT is continuing to refine and focus their work on lowering failure rates and meeting the needs of students in the classroom. Mr. Louder has led weekly meetings with administrative support. This team meets every Thursday morning prior to school.
Missouri State Fast-Pitch Softball Academic All-state Players:
Eight softball players from Mexico High school recommended to the academic all-state team based on team participation and overall G.P.A.
An individual student athlete qualifies for the Academic All-State 1st Team if they have a cumulative GPA after the Fall 10 semester of 3.88-4.0. The student athlete must be a varsity letter winner. An individual student athlete qualifies for the Academic All-State 2nd Team if they have a cumulative GPA after the Fall 10 semester of 3.75-3.87. The student athlete must be a varsity letter winner.
From the Guidance and Counseling Team:
The Guidance Department is currently working on the senior Scholarship Book and Program of Studies.
The department will hold a financial aid information meeting for parents and seniors on January 26, 2011 at 7 p.m. in the high school band room.
PLAN test results are in and being distributed through modern world history classes.
Mark Holman visited Freshman seminar classes to discuss Job Shadow Day.
WISE Courtesy Award Winners: Heather Elder and Toby Bracht, these students were recognized at the Winter Assembly prior to leaving for Winter break.
On December 6th Ranken Technical College visited MHS
Sports and Activities:
From Athletic Director Mark Buffington:
Our winter teams continue to show great success! Current records 1/13/10:
Boys basketball team - 10-0 record, Montgomery County Tournament champions, ranked 7th in the state.
Girls basketball team - 10-1 record, Montgomery County Tournament champions, ranked 4th in the state.
Wrestling team - ranked 3rd in the state.
From Sara Given – Speech and Theater and Drama Teacher:
MHS Speech team students have been asked to perform at Kiwanis on Feb. 1.
From Christine Bresehears – Student Council, Key Club and Youth in Government sponsor:
Student Council: is preparing a “WIN”ter Warming to be remembered. By posting the spirit week, the students are able to prepare for the week and participate. We are hoping for boast to student morale.
Key Club: The Personal Product Drive was super. The Kiwanis had a collection box and really gave our contributions a boost. The club is getting ready for a "Seniors Prom" with alumni and residents of the local retirement homes in February.
Youth In Government: The first state level meeting will Feb 19th with Michael Perll assuming his term as MO YIG Governor.
From Mr. Robert Cortez –Music and Band Teacher
Mr. Cortez attended the Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic in Chicago December 15 through 18, along with over 15,000 music educators from around the world. Clinicians included college professors, professional musicians, composers, and technology experts in the field of music education.
Upcoming Events
1/17-18 MHS Comedy Carnival Improvisational Theatre Troupe
1/21-22 Speech & Debate Team compete in Jefferson City
1/22 Saturday School
1/24 Mexico Young Farmer’s Soils and Crop Conference – HS Cafeteria
1/25-27 MHS Comedy Carnival Improvisational Theatre Troupe
1/26 PowderBuff Volleyball Game
1/26 Financial Aid Information Meeting for Seniors & their parents 7:00pm Band Room
1/28 Senior vs. Faculty Basketball Game
1/29 Student Council Winter Warming School Dance
1/29 History Club Meeting 7:45am
1/30 MFA Oil/Breaktime Shootout at MU – Mexico boys vs. Fulton 8:00pm
2/12 ACT 7:30am 1st North
2/15 TEAMS competition in Columbia – TEAMS annual high school competition helping students discover their potential for engineering.
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