Hi Everyone,
If you know someone that wants to receive information about happenings at the high school; point them in this direction. I use this, our local Ledger, our automated phone message system, email, old snail mail, personal phone calls, our website, a faculty-only website for internal messages, email and most recently our Athletic Director - Mr. Jeff Anderson has added twitter to his own skill set about activities and athletics at MHS. He now regularly posts game scores and events for everyone connected to twitter. If you need information on how to add him, call his secretary in our office, Mrs. Kris Fecht. Right now, it's a little beyond my skill set (ha).
We're always working to improve communication and we realize we can never have enough. Over the past two years we've been growing areas of our school academically, culturally, and socially. This school needs to always be a beacon in our community and we aim to continue to polish the gem it is in Central Missouri.
This year we hired several new teachers and I'm proud of the hires we were able to add to our faculty. Many come with years of seasoning in education and our first year teachers appear to be the top of their class. Our administration team believes they will bring a boost of commitment and knowledge to our community of learners leading student learners. I met with them just prior to the school year beginning and I'll paraphrase my thoughts for them here:
"You were all hired because you have the spark, the attitude, the care and concern for students we're looking for in teachers. Your references talked about your ability to connect and your hard working attitude. If you're just beginning teaching; we think you're a standout. We hired you for this drive and attitude to improve yourself along with your enthusiasm for kids."
If you know you have a new teacher to MHS teaching your son or daughter, be sure to take the time to let them know you appreciate their efforts and their commitment to us this school year. As an inside note: our MHS administration team was focused on finding the best available teachers and personally I even used Skype (video conferencing online) to talk to several across our nation (yes, I learned another technology communication tool). We didn't hire anyone just based on a Skype interview, but it allowed us to network and connect with a few dsireing to be in mid-Missouri due to past connections to the region; we also took the time to check references well. Some of the conversations we had with references were the most helpful in choosing the best candidates for MHS.
I've shared our last August board report below for your information. This is the report given to the board each month. I hope everyone continues to feel welcome at the high school whenever you have a concern! We are here for your son or daughter and to succeed.
Students of the Month: To be determined in Sept. 2012
Administration Team
Dr. Terry Robinson, Principal:
The building department chairs met on July 24 to review the building focus plan for 2012-13. This plan is based on the input of the superintendent, principals and department chairs. Additionally it reflects areas we will focus for the school year – Positive Behavior Intervention and Support to address discipline and the learning environment, Professional Learning Communities – to continue to improve practices and academic achievement, ACT and EOCs– test preparation and curriculum alignment and Whole Faculty Study Groups (WFSG) – this is a learners creating learners focus tied to a building-wide professional development plan. Our first WFSG will be on the book “Mindset” by Carol Dweck; small groups of teachers will participate in a book study on the principles found there and their application to our high school efforts. Mrs. Gina Gilman has will provide guidance and reflection activities for the WFSGs.
Department chairs and other subject area teachers participated in E2020 training (online course software). Early feedback from these teachers indicated the program is rigorous and might be a possible support for classroom curriculum in addition to regular courses.
Truman State University will offer up to 5 credit hours to students able to pass their college level competency exams in Algebra and Trigonometry. Mr. Keith Louder was appointed the liaison for facilitation of this program by Dr. Robinson. In essence, students can learn from their regular MHS math instructors then take up to 5 tests to earn Truman State Credit after the student has registered for the Truman State courses at a reduced rate. These credits are readily accepted at almost all Missouri Universities because they are endorsed by Truman State. A representative from Truman State will visit MHS to coordinate registration after Mr. Louder has disseminated pertinent information and total student interest is known.
PBIS – Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Team – Coordinator Patty Swisher
The PBIS team met over the summer and new members were added. Plans for incentives for students and improving data collection efforts have been completed for 2012-13. PBiS continues to be in conjunction with training and consulting from the Columbia Regional Professional Development trainers. Training for new faculty members was completed and all faculty will participate in a training session during our annual building “Genesis Day”.
From Mr. Jeff Anderson – Vice Principal/Activities Director:
On August 7th Mr. Freeman & Mr. Anderson trained 40 new & Fall sport coaches on philosophy and policy pertaining to extra-curricular activities.
Fall Sports parent meeting will be Monday August 13th @ 7:30 PM in Sports Complex Lobby.
*Trained parents on Concussion Education
*Trained parents on Communication and proper order of Chain of Command.
Fall Sports Participation:
Boys & Girls Cross Country: 25
Boys Soccer: 26
Volleyball: 16
Girls Softball: 24
Football: 60
Girls Golf: 10
Girls Tennis: 8
Band: 80
Cheerleading: 26
Dance: 12
Total: 287
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